Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Electron

TheLibrary of Subatomic Particles  The Electron by Fred Bortz.

     Last week, I read scientific book whose name was The Electron. In the introduction, the author defined the electron which is a tiny bit of matter at the heart of much of modern technology. However, the chapter one had a lot of historical information about the electron. For example, the first scientist who discovered it was Joseph Thomson. After that, James Maxwell described the relationship between electricity and magnetism. Also, he predicted waves of energy that travel through space at very high speeds. In the chapter two, there were many experiments to show how scientists discovered nucleus which is tiny particle. The electrons moved round it in the atom.


     I have to read physics books to prepare myself for academic classes’ .Although the vocabulary in this book was so difficult, I could understand the context. I hope everyone start to read books in her or his felid. I think that is timely      

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Magician in the Trunk

Tine Spies Magician in the Trunk by Candice Ransom.

         Last week, I read part of story which was about three children. Their names were Mattie, Alex and Sophie. They liked adventure. For example, they found fireworks box in the shed. However, they didn’t open it until their father came from his job. Their father who opened the box gave them each a small packet labeled Diamond sparkler. Mattie  lit her sparklers with help from her father  . Alex lit it and swooped it  in duble arcs, but Sophie who is little girl wrote her name in the sky. Another adventure that the kids climbed a beanstalk into the sky to tried doing some magic. Also, they did adventure with Travel Guide who was staying in the special third floor suite.
        Reading this story was difficult for me because it had a lot of quotes. For example, “I know something you don’t know” Mattie chapman said. “I bet I know more than you know” said Alex. Therefore, sometimes I lost. However I have to practice reading like this kind of stories . In sum, this story need a lot of attention.           

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Biddy Mason

With Open Hands by Jeri Chase Ferris.

Last week I continued reading With Open Hands. In the second part of the book, Biddy and Mr. Smith still continuant their trip from Utah to Los Anglos. The reason for this trip is that Mr. Smith changed their religious. He became Norman. This religious prefer people don’t have slaves. Therefore, Biddy got her freedom. After that, she worked very hard in Los Anglos to help herself and her community. In fact, she helped everyone needed help. She didn’t matter If the person black or white. There for she became the richest women in los Anglos.

This book is the best book that I have read .It has a lot of advices. For example, Biddy said for her daughter “a person must give with open hands and open heart”. Also, she said “what matter that the church needed help”    

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Biddy Mason

With Open Hande by Jeri Chase Ferris.

         I have read biography book about Biddy Mason. The title’s book was With Open Hand. Bibby was born in Hancock country She didn’t know her parent because she was little girl when her parent sold her to Mr. Smithson. Smithson taught her everything that she could do with her hand. However, she didn’t learned how to read and write, because the law didn’t allowed for black people to learn any think that could help them to get free. She had a long trip with Mr. Smithson. The trip was from Mississippi to Utah. During the trip, she cared Mr. Smithson and his family. In addition, she solved many difficult events that happened during the trip.
        I enjoyed when I read this book. Therefore, I will continue reading it. In addition, I would recommend this book. It has simple grammar and it also has some useful vocab. For example, it has many animals’ names such as oxen, mules and wagon. Also, I stopped reading at the part that their trip entered St Louis in the Missouri State. I am excited to keep reading to know if they came Kansas or not.  

What’s So Great about …? Michelle Obama

         Last week, I read biography book. Its title was What’s So Great about …? Michelle Obama. It was written by Joanne Matten .I would recommend this book for several reasons. First, the context in this book is clear and easy to understand. The author used simple grammar. Also, the difficult words have definition in the end of the book. Therefore, when I read this book, I didn’t lose get headache. Second, we who are international students live in the US. I think that we have to know some information about the First Lady in the US. Finally, the big test for us is near. Therefore, many of us are very nervous and frustrated. I think that reading this book can help and courage them. Because of Michelle Obama achieved her aim after hard work           

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The First Lady

Michelle by Deborah Hopkinson.

What’s so Great About..? Michelle Obama by Joanne Mattern


                This week I read two biography books both of them about Michelle Obama. First, I read the book which was written by Deborah Hopkinson. It was very simple book .The main information in this book is that Michelle born in 1964. She grew up in small apartment in Southside of Chicago. She has one brother older than her. His name is Craig. Although, her parents hadn’t been to challenge, she graduated from Harvard Law School. In 1989, she met Barack Obama at firm for law and married him in 1992. She and he work together to encourage each other. Finally, they achieved their aims. She became the Frist Lady in the United States and he became the first African American president of the United States. In sum, they changed American history.  Second book was written by Joanne Mattern. In this book the author gave more details about Michelle’s life. For example, her father was hard worker even though he had Multiple Sclerosis disease.   Due of that She learned from her father courage. Another detail is about her words in the Democratic National Convention. She talked about children’s future. Because she is mother, she thatched American’s heart. Also, the author described that how Obama became famous. On the other words, he described an important speech for Obama in the Democratic National Convention. Also, this book gave information about Michelle now. In Short, nothing is impossible in this life if you have aim and faith. The Example is Michelle Obama.


              The first book was not enough for me to know Michelle’s personality. Also, it didn’t talk about her hero.   On the other worlds, it didn’t describe the source of Michelle’s ambition .Due of that, I read another book about Michelle Obama. This book showed the important things in Michelle’s personality. For example, she love to work volunteer to help her community and poor people. Also, it showed the source of her ambition such as her father, her thesis in the university and her job at Public Allies.                   



Sunday, September 30, 2012

Three Childish Books

The Amazing Spider-man Vs the Lizard by Adapted.

Alfred Nobel The Man Behind the Peace Prize by Zachary Pullen.

Tree Shaker the Story of Nelson Mandela by Bill Keller.


In the last week, I read three childish books. Two of them are about physics substances. The first book is The Amazing Spider-Man Vs the Lizard. This book is about one doctor who missed his arm. He made serum to regrow his arm, but he did mistake. He became monster called Lizard instead growing his arm. Spider man heard about this doctor and he want to help him. Finally, after a lot of attempts and conflicts, he succeeded to return Lizard to human. The second book is about Alfred Nobel life. Also, how he discovered the power in the liquid nitroglycerin. After he discovered it, he sold it around the world. Therefore,   he became a rich man. However, in one day, Alfred’s brother was working in the workshop.  He mixed some oil by wrong way. Dou to this event, everything exploded. His brother died.  After that, Alfred become very sad and he started thinking about how to use Nitroglycerin in a safe way. Finally, he found an idea which was using his money to create yearly prices for those have rendered the greatest services to humankind. Third book was Tree shaker the story of Nelson Mandela. I have started reading this book lately. In the introduction I found that Nelson had a special life. When he was a child, he had royalty life. Also, where he was a n adult, he was an   emblem of moral courage around the globe. However, he had a difficult life when he was young.


My son and I were enjoying last week reading those books. However, when I decided to read the first book which was about Spiderman, I thought it was easy, but I was wrong because it was hard to read it since there were a low of words which were hard to me to understand it such as everglades, antidote, and reptilian. Also, in the first time, I didn’t understand the link between the introduction and the body. However, I understood it after I reread it. The second book was about Alfred Nobel. It was too interesting book I headed a lot about Nobel Prize, but it was first time for me to know the story behind it. Also, the author used easy and nice words. In the third book I just started it I got an idea of it and it seems it going to be hard for me to complete because it contains of a lot of hard words



Sunday, September 23, 2012


Culture of the World Lebanon by Sean Sheehan and Zawiah Abdul Latif


Until now, I have read three chapters from Culture of the World Lebanon. In this book, the authors described Lebanon's geography, history, and government. Also, they gave description about culture of people in this area. The first chapter is about geography of Lebanon. It is small country at the end of Mediterranean Sea. Therefore, it has Mediterranean climate. Also, the most famous plant in this country is cedars .This tree represents Lebanon and is featured on the national flag. In addition, the capital city is Beirut. It has 40% of population.  The second chapter is about history of Lebanon. It had a lot of eras which lived in this area. For example, in ninth century B.C, it was Phoenician era but in 64 B.C, the Roman Empire was in Lebanon. After that, it was Muslim Rule then The Ottomans. Finally, Independence was in 1926. The third chapter is about government in Lebanon. Civil war started in 1975 between Muslim and Christian. Because of the government want to end the war, all the politicians agreed about new rules which are the president of Lebanon must be Christian, the prime minister is a Sunni Muslim, and the speaker of the National Assembly is a Shiite Muslim.


I chose this book because I visited Lebanon and I have a lot of information about it. However, that did not help me a lot because it was difficult for me to read some Arabic words which were written by English. Also, some of them have wrong spelling. For example, calls mountain Al shof the author wrote Al chif.

On the other hand, in the first time when I was reading chapter Geography of Lebanon, I felt like me in Lebanon between its mountains and its rivers. However, in chapter Government, I don’t agree with the authors about a lot of information in type Border Tension. Also, in chapter History, the authors did not write how the civil war ended. In the other word, they didn’t give any information about the Altaif conference.         

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


How are you? Have you ever visited  Lebanon? Becouse now, I'm reading book about it