Sunday, October 21, 2012

Biddy Mason

With Open Hande by Jeri Chase Ferris.

         I have read biography book about Biddy Mason. The title’s book was With Open Hand. Bibby was born in Hancock country She didn’t know her parent because she was little girl when her parent sold her to Mr. Smithson. Smithson taught her everything that she could do with her hand. However, she didn’t learned how to read and write, because the law didn’t allowed for black people to learn any think that could help them to get free. She had a long trip with Mr. Smithson. The trip was from Mississippi to Utah. During the trip, she cared Mr. Smithson and his family. In addition, she solved many difficult events that happened during the trip.
        I enjoyed when I read this book. Therefore, I will continue reading it. In addition, I would recommend this book. It has simple grammar and it also has some useful vocab. For example, it has many animals’ names such as oxen, mules and wagon. Also, I stopped reading at the part that their trip entered St Louis in the Missouri State. I am excited to keep reading to know if they came Kansas or not.  


  1. I noticed that in the recent time people are interested to know about the racism towards the black people . Can you explained why they wrote about her ? . In other specific question : What she did for her community ? . It's good that you feel it easy , that shows your level getting better . I am exciting too to know more about your book

  2. Well, many white people thought that they should not teach blacks to read and write because might have been free as a result of that. They were just want them for their service. But now this situation has changed so that become there equality between blacks and whites in all aspects and areas of life. For example, blacks have the right to education, to work and others. In my opinion, all what happen now is justice because there is no difference between human beings.
