Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Electron

TheLibrary of Subatomic Particles  The Electron by Fred Bortz.

     Last week, I read scientific book whose name was The Electron. In the introduction, the author defined the electron which is a tiny bit of matter at the heart of much of modern technology. However, the chapter one had a lot of historical information about the electron. For example, the first scientist who discovered it was Joseph Thomson. After that, James Maxwell described the relationship between electricity and magnetism. Also, he predicted waves of energy that travel through space at very high speeds. In the chapter two, there were many experiments to show how scientists discovered nucleus which is tiny particle. The electrons moved round it in the atom.


     I have to read physics books to prepare myself for academic classes’ .Although the vocabulary in this book was so difficult, I could understand the context. I hope everyone start to read books in her or his felid. I think that is timely      


  1. I think is very useful book. I think it's great idea to strat reading in your felid. Can you tell me what's the main hard thing?. Do you understand the context?. I hope you can reply me.

  2. First, I agree with your idea about we should prepare ourselves for studying in KU classes, so we should read books in our specific fields. Also, I would say thanks for you because of your advice. Also, I like to tell you that your writing has evolved a lot from the beginning of this semester. I wish you achieve what you want.

  3. Wow! I get into a fields of science. I think science is really hard for me. I still don't understand why electricity can go back to power plant after we used it. Is there any thing lost? I hope I can get some idea from your reading. I really want to know the answer.
