Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Electron

TheLibrary of Subatomic Particles  The Electron by Fred Bortz.

     Last week, I read scientific book whose name was The Electron. In the introduction, the author defined the electron which is a tiny bit of matter at the heart of much of modern technology. However, the chapter one had a lot of historical information about the electron. For example, the first scientist who discovered it was Joseph Thomson. After that, James Maxwell described the relationship between electricity and magnetism. Also, he predicted waves of energy that travel through space at very high speeds. In the chapter two, there were many experiments to show how scientists discovered nucleus which is tiny particle. The electrons moved round it in the atom.


     I have to read physics books to prepare myself for academic classes’ .Although the vocabulary in this book was so difficult, I could understand the context. I hope everyone start to read books in her or his felid. I think that is timely      

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Magician in the Trunk

Tine Spies Magician in the Trunk by Candice Ransom.

         Last week, I read part of story which was about three children. Their names were Mattie, Alex and Sophie. They liked adventure. For example, they found fireworks box in the shed. However, they didn’t open it until their father came from his job. Their father who opened the box gave them each a small packet labeled Diamond sparkler. Mattie  lit her sparklers with help from her father  . Alex lit it and swooped it  in duble arcs, but Sophie who is little girl wrote her name in the sky. Another adventure that the kids climbed a beanstalk into the sky to tried doing some magic. Also, they did adventure with Travel Guide who was staying in the special third floor suite.
        Reading this story was difficult for me because it had a lot of quotes. For example, “I know something you don’t know” Mattie chapman said. “I bet I know more than you know” said Alex. Therefore, sometimes I lost. However I have to practice reading like this kind of stories . In sum, this story need a lot of attention.